
What is PowherNY?

We are a network of individuals and organizations coming together to accelerate economic fairness for New York women. Our backgrounds, jobs, economic status, age, and religions may be different, but we all agree that women deserve and need a level playing field.  Some of us are long-time advocates and others new to the conversation, but we find common cause as a community: learning together, sharing information and actions, and generating Powher to create a new reality for 10 million New York women and their families.

What is our mission?

PowherNY is an inclusive statewide network committed to securing economic equality for all New York women.

How do we get there? 

Through our collaborative actions we will attain POWHER.

Poverty Solutions

Opportunity and Access

Workplace Fairness

Healthy Lives

Equal Pay

Representation at all Tables

What will PowHerNY do?

We will amplify the amazing efforts already in full swing around New York State, like the Time to Care campaign and the Women’s Equality Agenda.

We will shake things up by sharing new ideas and approaches, encouraging meaningful action, and energizing the conversation.

We will take the lead on issues where good work needs to be done.

We will inform our community in real time with social media, share the excellent resources out there, and sponsor opportunities to learn together, like conversations with leaders and webinars.

We will include you to participate in any way you can and listen to your ideas and viewpoint.

What kind of organization is PowHerNY?

PowherNY received 501(c)3 status in 2015. Special thanks goes to the New York Women’s Foundation for its support during our developmental stage, and now as a non-partisan, not-for-profit corporation.