
PowherNY News: Jaunuary 13, 2015

2015 is off to a fast start and we have exciting news and announcements.

1. The NYS Senate hits the ground running on women’s issues.
Yesterday in a surprise move, the NYS Senate passed 8 women’s equality bills, making them the first of the new session. They did not, however, take up the 9th bill which addresses reproductive protections. At this point we do not know if the Assembly will only vote on the omnibus bill or pass individual laws. Stay tuned! The excitement is just beginning.

2. Starting 2015 with a fresh new name.
We’ve tweaked our name and are now PowHer NY. Other than the small inconvenience of switching to powherny.org and @PowherNY on Twitter andFacebook, everything else remains the same. (You can stop worrying now!)

3. A new name, and a few new friends!
To create a stronger voice for wage equality, the Equal Pay Coalition NYC and PowHer NY are joining forces. EPCNYC leaders will continue to strategize on city, and now statewide, activities; and PowHer NY will employ its extensive online presence to share information and amplify our message. The Equal Pay Campaignaims to win New York’s decades-old struggle for equal pay by championing policy reform, educating the public and our leaders, and engaging citizens to take action. Whether you are an individual or organization you can be part of this important work.

Event Not to Miss: UNWomen’s Cities for CEDAW Panel + Reception

January 20, 2015 @ 5:30 pm – The Metro NY Chapter of the U.S. National Committee for UN Women, in collaboration withCouncilwoman Laurie A. Cumbo – Chair of the Committee on Women’s Issues, will host an expert panel in conjunction with the Cities for CEDAW National Conference.


Economic Equity News is a bi-weekly mailing of news you need to know. Please feel free to send along suggested articles or reports to info@powherny.org, or via our Twitter or Facebook.