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ACT NOW to Save the NYC Salary Range Law!

The NYC Salary Range Law is being undermined by a newly introduced bill, Int 134, which would amend the law and make much of it void. Things are moving quickly, so we need your help!


  1. Join on social media using #SaveSalaryRange using the drafted content and graphics
  2. Watch the hearing online 4/5 at 10:30AM ET
  3. [Members of the Press] Join our Presser on 4/5 at 9:30AM ET 
  4. Sign onto the letter to New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Speaker Adrienne Adams, and Council members (

Why is Int 134 a threat to pay equity?

The NYC Salary Range Law (Local Law 32) is simple: it requires employers to include the minimum and maximum salaries in all job postings. Int 143 proposes amendments that will negate this transformative NYC law. Specifically, the amendments will:

  • Exempt employers with 15 or fewer employees from listing salary ranges, instead of the currently 4 or fewer employees, which is the standard for the NYC Human Rights law.
  • Exempt all jobs that could be done remotely, in whole or part.
  • Create a giant loophole for employers to place a general “Help Wanted” job posting without having to reveal salary information.
  • Postpone the start date for the law which is scheduled to go into effect on May 15, 2022.