
Economic Equity News: September 9, 2014

We have been busy here at NYS PowHER with our #POWHERList Campaign (Check out our first Women’s Equality Wednesday Event 9/10 at 1:00PM with our founder Beverly Neufeld, Ana Oliveira from the New York Women’s Foundation and Ellen Bravo from Family Values @ Work) but we haven’t been too busy to keep up on our Economic Equality News so read up below! For the full list of upcoming Women’s Equality Wednesday events to watch click here.

1. Strengthening America’s Economic Future Means Raising Women’s Pay

National Journal- More than ever before, the welfare of American households is tied to the welfare of working women. In fact, the only reason we’ve seen any improvement in living standards for most U.S. households over the past 40 years has been more women entering the workforce. Were it not for women working more hours, the typical American household would likely be no better off, and potentially far worse off, today than 40 years ago.


2. YWCA aims to close gender pay gap by 2025

Alaska Public Media- Women in Alaska earn significantly less than men, and the YWCA is setting out to change that. Their new initiative aims to close the wage gap by 2025. One of the solutions may be simple–encourage more women to join the trades.


3. The Motherhood Penalty vs. the Fatherhood Bonus

The New York Times- One of the worst career moves a woman can make is to have children. Mothers are less likely to be hired for jobs, to be perceived as competent at work or to be paid as much as their male colleagues with the same qualifications.

4. Mercury title run puts spotlight on pay gap in sports– Pay figures for players in the Women’s National Basketball Association aren’t nearly as transparent as on the men’s side, but the recent salary scale ranged from below $38,000 to around $107,000, with the typical player earning about $72,000.


5. For Millennial Women, The Gender Gap Is Closing — For Now

Refinery 29- First, for the good news: According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, the pay gap between American millennial women and men is decreasing. Now, the bad news: It’s still not equal.


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