
Welcome to PowHer!

What better way to celebrate Equal Pay Day other than the introduction of a new online network that supports economic equality?

“NYS PowHer is building a broad, diverse, statewide collective effort to improve the economic outlook for New York women by addressing keys obstacles, promoting winning strategies, and educating and activating the public.”

So, you may be wondering, how can I get involved?

FIRST, for this week (Equal Pay Week of April 7-11) anyone who signs up for our email updates will be entered for a free Close the Gap App, which, on any other occasion could cost you about $10.00.

IF YOU ARE AN INDIVIDUAL OR BLOGGER, let us know at info@nyspowher.org! We need writers, informers and people to lend a hand. Only have a few seconds a day, like us on Facebook or retweet something fabulous we have said on Twitter. ]

IF YOU REPRESENT AN ORGANIZATION OR DONOR, also, let us know! Email Beverly Neufeld at bcneufeld@gmail.com on how to get involved and become a partner. Here at PowHer we are all about supporting and collaborating all the other things people are doing out there in the economic equality space. All you need to do is let us know!

IF YOU ARE SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE, check in with us every so often. Read the blog, stay up to date and informed on a new issue and voice your opinion.

So, as we all sit back and watch the power of Equal Pay Day, always keep in the back of your head that this problem will need energy like this all year long. Generating that energy at PowHer may be the first step.

For any further questions please feel free to contact us via social media or at info@nyspowher.org.