Photo from Richard Tanton, Flickr.

“How Do I Make the Most of My Paternity Leave?”

Paternity leave, a concept foreign to most employers in the United States but not to the rest of the world. The U.S. (where only three states offer paid family leave) is quickly falling behind in comparison to places such as Sweden where where parents are given 480 paid days per child, to be shared between them and used anytime before the kid turns eight, or the U.K where 280 days are allotted for both maternal and paternal leave.

In the New York Times’ parenting blog Motherlode: Living the Family Dynamic, employee and new father Michael Roston, @michaelroston, opened up to the Twittersphere in his article, “How Do I Make the Most of my Paternity Leave?” for any advice on how he should make the most of his six week paternity leave given to him, and all other eligible employees, by The New York Times Company late last year.

In his second follow up article, “Advice on How to How to Have a Good Paternity Leave” Roston shares that what he got back was generous international responses ranging from feelings on leaving the office, to thinking about caregivers as next steps.

Is paternity leave an option at your workplace or do you have some advice for Roston? Tweet him @michaelroston.